[建改社] 張基義 - 回歸制度討論


[建改社] 張基義 - 回歸制度討論

文章 chiyi »






P.S.以下節錄自王濟鯤教授” 美國與加拿大建築師養成制度”的研究報告
美國從建築教育開始,就有一個叫做國家建築註冊登記委員會(National Council of Architectural Registration Boards,NCARB)的非營利組織,分別處理各地區建築師註冊登記事宜。NCARB的任務是促進各委員會成員密切配合,使建築師在執行職務時能確保社會大眾在健康安全及福祉,但另一方面的服務是保持欲成為建築師的的申請人之教育、實習、考試、註冊之記錄,並編纂成為正式檔案,一旦申請人達成教育、實習、考試、註冊之要求,即可取得NCARB證書,並可在大多數成員地區註冊登記,不再需要參加任何考試。


NCARB之教育標準是根據美國國家建築資格認證委員會(National Council of Architectural Accrediting Board,NAAB)認可的建築專業學分,包括至少160個學期制之學分(若為Quarter System制,則至少240個學分),而且內容至少包含以下各領域:
a. 一般教育:40學分(大致上分英語、人類學、數學、自然科學、社會研究等)
b. 歷史、人類行為及環境:16學分
c. 設計至少50學分(由第一階段到第五階段)
d. 科技系統至少24學分(大致分結構系統、環境控制系統、施工材料與裝配)
e. 建築實務至少5學分


由於美國與加拿大建築師資格互相承認,因此加拿大對於教育品質有所控制,加拿大成立加拿大建築認證委員會(Canadian Architectural Certification Board,CACB),對於具水準各建築學院校的專業學習上給予認證。


上述之教育標準已被美國及加拿大各地區列為註冊建築師的基本要求,若不在美國或加拿大受教育者,申請成為美國建築師者;其教育水準必須經過建築師教育評估機構(Education Evaluation Services for Architect,EESA)認證。



4.根據NCARB之教育規定由建築教育評估機構(Education Evaluation Services for Architect,EESA),評估至少96個學期制學分,而其中一般不得超過60學分。


美國建築科系學生實習制度美國的實習制度(Intern Development Program,IDP),IDP是一個廣義專業性、綜合性的計劃培養有能力的建築師,使其能提供良好的建築服務,IDP的目標包括以下五項:



1.美國建築師協會(The American Institute of Architect,AIA):是一個專門職業社團,透過州及地方執行單位負責督導,組織及教育IDP,提供輔助教育制度。
2.美國建築學生協會(American Institute of Architecture Students,AIAS)
3.美國建築學校學會(Association of Collegiate School of Architecture,ACSA):由全國各建築學院組成,其職責在將IDP之計畫相關資訊告知學生及教育者,使其IDP之最近發展,並協助教育者配合其教學活動。
4.國家建築註冊登記委員會(National Council of Architectural Registration Boards,NCARB):除了建立建築註冊登記之國家標準,保有檔案記錄,以及提供中心票交換交換所之角度與所有實習生、建築師登記註冊委員會處理有關註冊登記及建築師專業行為之事宜,並負責建立、解釋及執行IDP之實際標準。
5.建築構成執行人議會(Council of Architectural Component Executives,CACE):代表AIA在州及地方機構中支持IDP的執行人。
6.設計經營管理協會(Society of Design Administration,SDA):代表在建築師事務所內的負責人,支持在事務所內的IDP活動者。
7.協調委員會(The Coordination Committee)以參與計劃者的角度監督IDP之推行,IDP是由州及地方的協調者和教育者共同組成。
8.州協調人(The State Coordinators)州協調人是由AIA州機構或州註冊登記委員會任命,其任務為監督IDP之進行,並協助參與者經由團隊之簡報及州的溝通交流瞭解IDP。
9.地方協調人(Local Coordinators)地方協調人之任務在協助州協調人對IDP之運作。
10.教育協調人(Educator Coordinators)教育協調人通常是由建築學院任命之教授擔任,並提供該校教授及學生有關實習之機會及註冊登記之規定訊息。實習生必須取得700個實習單元才能符合IDP實習規定,一個實習單元相當於8小時可被認同之實習領域之工作,下表說明IDP實習之類別及領域以及每一領域所需最少之實習單元數:

大項 / 細項 / 所需最少實習單元數

設計及施工文件 1計劃 10
2基地及環境分析 10
3概念設計 15
4工程系統之整合 15
5建築成本之分析 10
6法規探討 15
7設計發展 40
8施工文件 135
9規範及材料研究 15
10文件查核及協調 10
總計所需之實習單元數 350

施工行政 11招標及合學協調 10
12施工階段-辦公室內 15
13施工階段-工地監督 15
總計所需之實習單元數 70

管理 14個案管理 15
15事務所管理 10
總計所需之實習單元數 35

相關活動 16專業及社區服務 10
其它相關活動 0
總計所需之實習單元數 10
總計所需IDP之實習單元數 700





美國之建築師註冊考試(Architect Registration Examination,ARE),當實習生實習期間要求之後,向NCRB申請,即可參加考試,NCARB會先確認審查申請人之資料,認為合格;也收到報名表和報名書之後,ARE一共要考九科。 ARE共包括九門科目:


2.一般結構(General Structures)
3.側向力(Lateral Forces)
4.機械及電械系統(Mechanical and Electrical System)
5.材料及施工方法(Materials and methods)
6.施工文件及服務(Construction Documents and Servies)
繪圖科目方面有以下三科:1. 敷地計劃(Site Planning)2. 建築設計(Building Planning)3. 房屋設計(Building Technology)


4. 計算機


ARE中三個繪圖科目內包括一系列問題為小插圖(Vignettes)用來測試應考人的知識、技術以及建築執業不同界面的能力應考人必在下列每15個小插圖中依據程式及法規的需求找出答案。1. 敷地計劃(Site Planning)之科目A. 基地設計(Site Design)B. 基地分區(Site Zoning)C. 基地停車(Site Parking)D. 基地分析(Site Analysi s)E. 基地剖面(Site Section)F. 基地挖填方(Site Grading)2. 建築計劃(Building Planning)科目A. 量體分析圖解(Block Diagram)B. 室內空間規劃(Interior Layout)C. 初步設計(Schematic Design)3. 房屋技術(building Technology)科目A. 房屋剖面(Building Section)B. 結構配置(Structural Layout)C. 出入坡道(Accessibility-Ramp)D. 機電平面(Mechanical and Electrical Plan)E. 樓梯設計(Stair Design)F. 屋頂平面(Roof Plan)指定應考時間包括一般指示,考試前主考考者的處理時間,以及退場檢查等,主考者在考試中心的處理不包括任何實際的小插圖,在應考人真正開始答題之前熟悉考程式是一件非常重要的事,繪圖科目在考試過程中會分成若干小節,每一小節規定時間內把所有小插圖解答完成即可,也可以在每一小節規定時間內重新檢視及或修改已完成之解答,然而當小節時間已用罄或應考人已自該小節退出,則應考人不得再回到此一小節中任何可小插圖作答。

文章 ArchiFragment »


文章 ykw »

美國跟日本, 建築業界與學界涇渭分明, 這是我們要的嗎? (不才正好有建築案子在美國與日本進行中!)

台灣好的產業幾乎政府都介入很少, 特別是人才培訓(根本沒有人才品質認證制度!), 為什麼不學自家的榜樣?

請告訴我: 台灣的建築什麼時候可以打進國際市場? 有規劃嗎?

文章 shwnwang »

ykw 寫:美國跟日本, 建築業界與學界涇渭分明....

I don't know enough of the Japanese situation, but I can say that in America, that is not true. The relationship between the Academics and the Professionals has been "re-structured' ever since the 90's. Independent research led by the so-called Young Turks: metro-sexual, techno-savvy, highly educated carrying a theoretical tool box as their altered-ego, and global cosmopolitans; has gained the right to "direct" the new trend of the most recent New in the professional world. To be more exact, the Academics so-to-speak have gained the power to lead the Professionals after the "great experiment" of Paperless Studio coined and introduced first by the shiny Prince of Design: Bernard Tshumi at Columbia University. This is not about better or worse. This is not even about my personal belief and my Weltanschauung. This is done and the rest is history.

This whole trend of using information and communication technology as a design tools instead of a mechanism for production has its historic merit too. At the end of the 80's, the Global Capitalism according to the American vision has pronounced itself here and to stay. The Tom Friedman's term of a "Flat World" has its platform installed through out the elite class of the world by the end of the 80's. This has been discussed by Manuel Castells, Saskia Sassen, Janet L Abu-Lughod, Stuart Hall, Anthony King, Immanuel Wallerstein, and so on. The brain, the Academics, can only gain leverage to dictate the body/corporeality, the professionals, by a new platform that is simultaneously a design and production machine.

Everybody on the so-called advanced world, the Western World and Japan, are re-thinking the whole issue about what exactly is an architectural practice since the 90's. Yes, the issues and problems may vary, but the long struggle to cope with the ever accelerating and de-stabilized world of ours created by this "ginormous" Technology/Capitalism is unfortunately the one thing owned by everybody on this earth of ours now, in the Advanced World and the Rest.

So, let's survive by intervention, by constant navigation, and most of all by the love of a built world that transforms the reality.

I think that is exactly what Chiyi is doing. Of course he is not alone.

This is one post. More to come.

PS: This is for you, chillywilly.

文章 ykw »

Please note that my meaning of 業界 is the industry or more specific the (real estate) developer.

Continue please.

BTW, I'm working on Virtual Building so knowing what are nowdays design and construction management tool.

Intern Development Program美國健全的實習制度

文章 chiyi »

Dear Shwnwang,

Thank you for your command on above issue. Sometimes, it’s really difficult to promote a simple ideal in Taiwan. Since, we are isolated from the rest of the world especially in our professional practice. I do think we are not alone; we will be connected back to the world in the end.

Intern Development Program美國健全的實習制度
Your education as an architect typically begins in a school of architecture. But it does not end there. Training in architectural firms, continuing education, and professional practice further the educational process. Schools and firms offer many opportunities for acquiring knowledge and skills; however, you must take responsibility for developing your competencies to the fullest.


文章 shwnwang »

How are we going ykw? I remeber your posts. I am the formerly-known-as- binbin wang.

Don't take it personally. I just want to point out that no place is a perfect place.

Are you still working on the church you once mentiopned here? It's late now in my domain after teaching 5 hours of Paperless Studio. I will post more later.

While I was writing you had sent me a MESSAGE!!!

文章 shwnwang »

Again, I've passed my bed-time now.

Chi-yi, the pleasure is mine. Frampton once told me that the already scarce critical few have to support one and another. He is a Left as everybody knows. I mention this not to brag but to make a point that thinking although done in solitude is a collective act.


文章 ykw »

Try to build a complicated architect qualification system like American one in Taiwan, and meanwhile eliminate after-school complementary education, I shall say that is not a simple idea, not even possible.

That is the reason why I felt somebody walking in the clouds.

Don’t take it personally? I’m not sure, but it’s my real feeling.

文章 chillywilly »

Before we keep going, let me ask all of you few questions.
How many of you finished the IDP and felt that his on job training has fully complied with the IDP requirement?
And, during the ARE exam, how many felt their on job training can prepare you enough to understand the least standard to pass the test?
Also, during the ARE exam, how many felt you have being educated enought thru school and real practice to anticipate the min. requirement of the exam?

文章 shwnwang »

OK. Let's go:
chillywilly 寫:How many of you finished the IDP and felt that his on job training has fully complied with the IDP requirement?

And, during the ARE exam, how many felt their on job training can prepare you enough to understand the least standard to pass the test?
I don't remember the details, but other than the one point I got for a M.Arch degree from an accredited Program, I needed additional two by working at an office and supervised by a mentor in the duration of 2 years. That was in the mid 80's. I needed the 3 IDP points on top of a chart of evaluation to meet the minimal total points accounted for ARE. (I don't remember the number and I am away from my files presently) The structure and content of IDP weren't well defined as far as I can remember. It was just a requirement of two-year American job experience for a foreign graduate student.

Did my "supervised" job experience in a small, local office in Manhattan help me pass the 5 days(that was back to the days of pencil & paper) test? Yes, but very minimal and only in two catagories: Materials & Methods, Construction Documents & Services.

chillywilly 寫:Also, during the ARE exam, how many felt you have being educated enought thru school and real practice to anticipate the min. requirement of the exam?
To prepare the ARE for me and many people I've known has only one way: undertaking the intensive night courses at the IDC-Institute of Design and Construction, located right after the exit-ramp off Manhattan Bridge and at the corner of Flatbush Avenue & Willoughby Street.

So the answer is: No. The education and job experience I had up to that point only enhanced my desire to pass the ARE and my loved ones' anxiety urging me to have a license at hand ASAP.

By the way, I haven't got time to take in all the postings under 建築改革合作社.

On the light side, professional licensing examination and registration are part of the Project of Modernity originated from the mid C-18 and institutionalized throughout the mid C-19 till now. The organization and control that come with the rise of Grosse Stadt are at once the solution and the problem perhaps. I still hear those die-hard Carlylists accusing the licensed architects and the RAIA for the downfall of Western Architecture hence the entire Civilization!

文章 ykw »

The elite system results they think the world should not be FLAT!

It may also explain why American trapped hopeless into Middle-East and Africa, I guess.

Sorry, interruption, please keep going.

文章 ykw »

試著將chillywilly兄的問與shwnwang兄的答, 翻譯如下:

問: 有多少人完成了IDP(美國建築師考前的實習制度)覺得在實習中的在職訓練完全符合IDP的需求?

另, 在ARE(美國建築師考試制度), 有多少人認為實習中所學的足夠你了解通過考試的最低標準(需求)?

(How many of you finished the IDP and felt that his on job training has fully complied with the IDP requirement?
And, during the ARE exam, how many felt their on job training can prepare you enough to understand the least standard to pass the test?)

答: 詳細情況我不記得了. 但在80年代中期, 我需要從建築碩士學習中取得1個學分, 並在之後的2年實習中(需是事務所並有導師督導)取得另2個學分, 以符合參加ARE關於IDP的需求. (我不記得詳細的數字, 因檔案不在我身邊). 我所知的IDP, 並沒有很完善的規定, 對外國學生, 只是需要2年的美國實務工作經驗.

我在曼哈頓一間小事務所的被”督導”下的實際工作經驗有幫助我通過長達5天的ARE考試嗎? (那時還是只有鉛筆和紙). 答案是肯定的. 但幫助非常少, 且只在2方面 – 材炓與工法, 及施工文件與工作.

(I don't remember the details, but other than the one point I got for a M.Arch degree from an accredited Program, I needed additional two by working at an office and supervised by a mentor in the duration of 2 years. That was in the mid 80's. I needed the 3 IDP points on top of a chart of evaluation to meet the minimal total points accounted for ARE. (I don't remember the number and I am away from my files presently) The structure and content of IDP weren't well defined as far as I can remember. It was just a requirement of two-year American job experience for a foreign graduate student.

Did my "supervised" job experience in a small, local office in Manhattan help me pass the 5 days(that was back to the days of pencil & paper) test? Yes, but very minimal and only in two catagories: Materials & Methods, Construction Documents & Services.)

問: 參加ARE考試時, 有多少人覺得, 建築學校與實習已足夠教會你對考試的最低需求?

(Also, during the ARE exam, how many felt you have being educated enought thru school and real practice to anticipate the min. requirement of the exam?)

答: 準備ARE考試, 對我及我所認識的朋友, 只有一個方法, 即參加IDC學院晚上的密集課程, 地址在(略).

所以答案是否定的. 學校教育和實習只是加強我通過ARE考試的慾望, 及渴求儘快取得建築師執照.

(To prepare the ARE for me and many people I've known has only one way: undertaking the intensive night courses at the IDC-Institute of Design and Construction, located right after the exit-ramp off Manhattan Bridge and at the corner of Flatbush Avenue & Willoughby Street.

So the answer is: No. The education and job experience I had up to that point only enhanced my desire to pass the ARE and my loved ones' anxiety urging me to have a license at hand ASAP.)

以上匆匆動筆, 希望沒有失真.


文章 shwnwang »

To translate is to convey. It is to move something without altering it.

From the Latin translatio, to remove or carry from one place to another.

The quot and the note are taken from "Translations From Drawing To Building," by the great Robin Evans. I use this essay in the studio.

ykw, if you've got time, do you want to help the BOSS eaGer translate some of the English articles posted here? I feel that your enthusiasm could be bettered served. My stuffs are more about opinion and the interested readers minor in numbers.

There are errors in your translation but since you've posted the original simultaneously, they can be compared by the readers. Over all, you've done a good job. I am flattered and hope that the readers get some pleasure out of reading them.

Of course my emphasis is not about:
....答案是肯定的. 但幫助非常少......答案是否定的......
But that's alright. You can make your own point by Trans-(Re)-lation as long as the original text is present too.

文章 perlemei »

ArchiFragment 寫:不知道有沒有關於歐洲地區的建築師養成制度可供參考