貝聿銘合夥人傅厲德過世 享年75


貝聿銘合夥人傅厲德過世 享年75

文章 爆漿撒尿牛丸 »


丁榮生/專題報導  (20051223)

華裔建築名師貝聿銘合夥人詹姆斯.傅厲德(James Ingo Freed)上周過世,享壽75歲。他最有名的設計是華府猶太博物館(Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC),本地建築師林洲民曾受教於他。林洲民昨天回憶說:「我跟他執行5年猶太博物館,看到他以猶太人身份執行猶太博物館的熱情。」



傅厲德1930年出生於德國埃森猶太人家庭,為逃避納粹1939年到美國芝加哥,師從密斯·凡 ·德羅,1956年加盟貝聿銘事務所。他曾追隨現代主義大師密斯,完成密斯在紐約1950年代名作,也就是以極簡造型聞名的鋼構玻璃的西格拉姆超高層大樓(Seagram Building)。

此後在鋼構設計見解他就別具一格,與貝聿銘合夥的首件名作是紐約會議中心(Javitz Convention Center),這座佔地廣袤的會展大樓被譽為里程碑。而他主控的1990年代完成的美國猶太紀念館,幾乎是繼華裔建築女將林櫻的越戰紀念碑後,創新另種紀念空間的建築原形。設計上傅厲德以半透光體營造室內光影參差的遊走動線,搭配玻璃橋書寫猶太受難者姓名的紀念形式,讓參訪者對猶太人在歷史上所遭遇的困境,透過此情境式展出,獲前所未有的認同。


::Pei Cobb Freed & Partners 建築師事務所::

華府猶太博物館(United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC)

紐約會議中心(Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York)

文章 Albert »

Architectural Record
Architect James Ingo Freed Dies
December 20, 2005
James Ingo Freed, 75, architect of the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, died December 15 at his home in Manhattan after a decades-long battle with Parkinson’s Disease.
Freed was a partner at Pei Cobb Freed, of New York City. Among his partners, I. M. Pei and Henry N. Cobb, Mr. Freed’s signature was his ability to imbue contemporary materials—glass, steel, and stone—with a tactile authority.
Freed wrapped Manhattan’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center with a gridded membrane of reflective glass that dissolves the building’s massive bulk, while conveying a dignified, monumental simplicity. He supported the building with a space-frame fretwork of rods and spherical socketed nodes that tested the technological limits of the construction industry when it was built in 1986. Its spectacular, light-filled lobby, echoing in contemporary terms London’s 19th-century Crystal Palace, remains among Manhattan’s most extraordinary interiors.
Freed struggled in the realization of the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington [record, July 1993, page 58], worried that his building would either package the Final Solution too nicely or theatricalize it.
On visits to the death camps, he saw how the Nazis twisted the instruments of progressive industrial cultu
re – medicine, law, engineering – to the manufacture of mass murder. Deeply affected, he created a skewed skylight, using metal details derived from what he’d seen so that the architecture itself could convey the enormity of the industrialized extermination of millions.
James Ingo Freed, born in Essen, Germany in 1930, had first-hand experience with the Nazi repression of Jews. He and his father rode streetcars through the night to escape the violence of Kristallnacht, “the night of broken glass.” With his sister, he made his way to the U.S. via France and Switzerland in 1939. His parents arrived two years later on one of the last refugee ships.
In Chicago Freed attended the Illinois Institute of Technology, directed at the time by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. He would return to Chicago to head IIT’s architecture program in the mid-1970s. He briefly worked in Mies’ Manhattan office before joining Pei’s young firm.
He came into his own with the Javits Center and the Holocaust Memorial Museum. He went on to add a luminous addition to the Los Angeles Convention Center (1993). He completed the 3.1-million-square-foot Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, also in Washington, in 1998 [Record July 1998, page 58]. Its classical exterior contrasts with the exuberant, Modernist monumental drama of its internal atrium—a split personality attributable to years of political meddling that compromised what should have been a masterpiece. The spatial intricacies of the San Francisco Municipal Library (1996) are as much a result of Freed’s heroic effort to accommodate the city’s myriad political constituencies as they are of his own architectural inclinations.
Freed won the opportunity in 1994 to design National Air Force Memorial. But, a years-long controversy developed over the design’s potential to overshadow the adjacent Iwo Jima statue group. A new site was selected, Freed won a second competition, and construction has begun on the three stainless steel spires that soar like contrails into the sky.

By James Russell

文章出處Architectural Record