
你想申請學士後建築研究所嗎? 對於如何製作作品集感到疑惑嗎?你想知道學士後建築研究所在上些什麼課程嗎? 看這邊就對了!


文章 ILA »

B組論壇總算是修好了 orz

新網祉是 http://www.thu-bboard.net/phpbb2/

(其實無關的也可以啦 XD)


G94: http://blog.yam.com/thuabg94
G95: http://thuabg95.blogspot.com/

文章 viper7 »



而且連線速度好像滿快的 哈:p

文章 金大尾(ㄚ得) »

Dear iLAD,

Thank you for all the hard work. U R a gr8t lad!
咦 ,你哪來的空?作業交了沒?

My dear kids at THU/DA/GB,

G94- Good to see you all again. Love that pic. We had fun, didn't we? Now get back and work!
G95- If you are reading this you are NOT working hard enough.[whip! whip! wearing an evil smile...]

G94/95 together- Give me your best shot. Make me proud!

Slave driver yours always,

David Tseng
最後由 金大尾(ㄚ得) 於 2007-04-26, 07:59 編輯,總共編輯了 3 次。

文章 ILA »

金大尾(ㄚ得) 寫:Dear iLAD,
咦 ,你哪來的空?作業交了沒?
My dear kids at THU/DA/GB,
G95- If you are reading this you are working hard enough.[whip! whip! wearing an evil smile...]
I believe that there is always enough time for things we appreciate, including B-board and my studio work.

It's 4:25 am,

8 of us are still working hard in the studio.

文章 金大尾(ㄚ得) »

ILA 寫:
金大尾(ㄚ得) 寫:If you are reading this you are working hard enough
Oops, you got me. I meant, NOT working hard enough. It was l8, ok.
ILA 寫:I believe that there is always enough time for things we appreciate, including B-board and my studio work.
Very well said.
ILA 寫:It's 4:25 am, 8 of us are still working hard in the studio.
You guys are not working efficiently.( I'll let you in a secret: a slave driver is very hard to please, or at least he has to pretend to be. )

文章 ILA »

金大尾(ㄚ得) 寫: You guys are not working efficiently.( I'll let you in a secret: a slave driver is very hard to please, or at least he has to pretend to be. )
You are really a "devil wear David" :cry: (or David wear devil :P)

Nomatter what, all of us enjoyed your great teaching and forcing([:ohoh02] ), I think.


文章 viper7 »

ILA 寫:
Nomatter what, all of us enjoyed your great teaching and forcing([:ohoh02] ), I think.

That's true.
No forcing no working :P
at least in the bigining....
ps.Forcing doesen't only means torture or something, it means the force to the right way and right place :)

About the time management.....
I think there are still plenty of rooms for us to achieve it...... = =a

after all...
I really apreciate what you give us or make us to know throigh the entire process. That's very important for a beginner to meet a good teacher at the firest, I thought. And it seems that all of we are really lucky to get in THU and meet so many GOOD MEN--at least in the deepest heart-- (not giving a GOOD-MAN card :P)

(what a terrible grammar of mine English... = =a)