[分享]Good Work!


[分享]Good Work!

文章 chillywilly »

As the sounds of cheering passing across your room, your family and your streets with an admission letter in you hands, a new opportunity just start blooming in front of you. For those who already got accepted into their next level of education system, I deeply congradulate all of you. For those who have not got the news, be patient, just wait a little longer. Maybe the letter is just on its way, the joy after immense anxiety can be very sweet. The reason why I said this is because this year is extremely difficult for any decission making from school side.

As you all know, the economy in U.S. sustains a huge plunge. Architectural field suffered the first wave of cut in the industry. A lot of major firms are taking direction from reducing staff or getting people on board to China. Another direction a lot of firms are taking now is to send their staffs back for higher education. This creates an immediate conflict for student who don't have experience in the job market. For those who are directly applied for graduate study in U.S. are facing frontal competition with people coming back from job market. Usaully those people are non-accociate level from the firm, which means they already have up to 3 or 4 years of job experiences. A lof of them are jonior or senior designers in the firm, even registered architects. With this background, their portfolios and recommendation letters are in extreme high qualities.

I really respect for those student got accepted without job experiences. This simply means the quality they possess is in professional level. Again, congradulate and thumbs up for all of you.

With Envy

[分享]Good Work!

文章 milk »

chillywilly 寫: As the sounds of cheering passing across your room, your family and your streets with an admission letter in you hands, a new opportunity just start blooming in front of you. For those who already got accepted into their next level of education system, I deeply congradulate all of you. For those who have not got the news, be patient, just wait a little longer. Maybe the letter is just on its way, the joy after immense anxiety can be very sweet. The reason why I said this is because this year is extremely difficult for any decission making from school side.

As you all know, the economy in U.S. sustains a huge plunge. Architectural field suffered the first wave of cut in the industry. A lot of major firms are taking direction from reducing staff or getting people on board to China. Another direction a lot of firms are taking now is to send their staffs back for higher education. This creates an immediate conflict for student who don't have experience in the job market. For those who are directly applied for graduate study in U.S. are facing frontal competition with people coming back from job market. Usaully those people are non-accociate level from the firm, which means they already have up to 3 or 4 years of job experiences. A lof of them are jonior or senior designers in the firm, even registered architects. With this background, their portfolios and recommendation letters are in extreme high qualities.

I really respect for those student got accepted without job experiences. This simply means the quality they possess is in professional level. Again, congradulate and thumbs up for all of you.

With Envy
雞婆....代學長翻譯.... :$

隨著喜悅的聲音繚繞在你的房間、你的家人跟你的鄰居之間,手中拿著一封錄取信,一個嶄新的機會出現在你的眼前。 對那些已經被學校錄取的人,我深表祝賀。對那些還沒有消息的人,要有耐心,只要再等一下下。也許錄取信就在寄送的路上了。在焦急等待後的喜悅,往往是甜蜜的。為什麼我這樣說呢? 因為這個年頭對學校來說,要做出錄取學生的決定是非常困難的。

正如你們所知,美國的經濟呈現極度不景氣。 建築產業這個領域首當其衝。 很多大公司採取的因應對策諸如裁員或是將人員派遣到中國大陸去。 其他的公司目前採取的方針是將公司的員工送進更高等的教育裡進修。這對在這個市場沒有工作經驗的學生造成了立即性的影響。對那些直接申請美國研究所的人正面臨著那些從職場回學校深造的人的直接競爭。 通常這些從職場回學校深造的人並不是公司的合夥人階層(按:不知學長是否指的是non-associate architects或是合夥人),換句話說,他們已經有三至四年的工作經驗。 其中大部分人士在公司還是Junior或是Senior 設計師,甚至有執照的建築師。 因為有這樣的背景,他們的作品集跟推薦信都具有相當高的水準。

我真的很敬佩那些沒有工作經驗就被錄取的學生。 坦白的說,這代表了他們的作品達到了專業的水準。 帶著一絲絲的忌妒......再次恭喜你們,給你們啪啪手(豎起大拇指)


的確,今年能申請到好學校的人,真的很了不起,剛剛才收到學校的Email說今年的Career Fair取消,因為只有兩間公司願意來參加。而今年不只是建築系,其他科系也相當不容易申請到,中國大陸許多優秀的申請者,比往年更難拿到錄取信(請參見水木清華BBS),更別說是台灣的申請者了,主要的原因就是美國不景氣,許多人回學校繼續唸書,所以,真的要給大家啪啪手。

文章 chillywilly »

Super thank you on the translation...Only my chinese is good enough........