Pratt 的建築所


Pratt 的建築所

文章 ralphf »

不好意思 又來請問大家
我在Pratt 的建築所上看的一段文字 有關學士後的
The pro-gram was started in fall 2001 and has been approved by the New York State Department of Education and has been given candidacy status by the NAAB as a professional degree program. 這是說它的學士後是從2001年才開始的嗎 現在只是
NAAB的候補資格嗎??這如果是候補資格 對學生會有啥影響勒 謝謝各位~

文章 chillywilly »

Don't worry if you are in the five year program, you will get a professional degree when you graduate with B. Arch. don't matter when and where you start. As long as you make sure it says B. Arch on your diploma.