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文章: 20702
註冊時間: 2005-06-01, 11:31
來自: 準建築人手札網站 Forgemind ArchiMedia


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比亞迪會否供應自豪的「刀片電池 Blade Battery」

雙方並未揭露合作細節,第一個引人猜測的就是比亞迪會否供應自豪的「刀片電池 Blade Battery」?答案大概是不可能,刀片電池同樣是磷酸鐵鋰電池,但透過不同結構模組設計,達成更安全、不易起火、更耐撞擊的特性,也成為比亞迪新車的一大賣點。

特斯拉更可能取得的,應是基礎磷酸鐵鋰電池芯,能立刻投入上海廠 Model 3 / Y 產線。這不僅讓特斯拉有更穩定多元的電池供應,同時也擁有更多籌碼與寧德時代談判。


對中國車主來說,特斯拉採用比亞迪電池是憂喜參半,值得期待的是,新鋰電池來源加入後,如果用在電動車,有機會(雖然不大)再降價;憂的則是擴大新磷酸鐵鋰電池供應,表示中國製造的特斯拉,短期內都不可能用新 4680 電池。如果想要買新電池版 Model Y,就只能期待柏林廠跟德州廠新車了。
文章: 20702
註冊時間: 2005-06-01, 11:31
來自: 準建築人手札網站 Forgemind ArchiMedia

BYD: We Will Supply Tesla With Batteries Very Soon

文章 準建築人手札網站 »


BYD: We Will Supply Tesla With Batteries Very Soon

Blade Battery-powered Tesla cars and/or energy storage products might be just around the corner.

Jun 08, 2022 at 8:38am ET
By: Mark Kane

After multiple rumors over the past 12 months, it seems that BYD's batteries will finally find their way into Tesla products, potentially even this year.

According to Reuters, Lian Yubo, BYD's executive vice president, said that the Chinese manufacturer is preparing to supply batteries to Tesla "very soon."

""We are now good friends with Elon Musk because we are preparing to supply batteries to Tesla very soon," said Lian Yubo, BYD's executive vice president in an interview with Kui Yingchun, an anchor with China's state-owned broadcaster CGTN."
It's the first official confirmation that BYD will supply batteries for Tesla, after a series of unofficial reports, like in October 2021, and in August 2021, which were later denied by BYD.

As of now, there are no details about the supply agreement between BYD and Tesla, so we don't know the type of batteries, volume, timeframe or products in which the batteries would be used.

We can only guess that Tesla is interested in the BYD Blade Battery (long, LFP battery cells) and cell-to-pack (CTP) technology. However, the question is whether we are talking about the first version or about the latest version with the CTB (cell-to-body) structural battery system, first used in the upcoming all-new Seal model. There is only a small probability that BYD would supply Tesla with other chemistry types or cell form factors.

Another question is whether Tesla needs those LFP batteries for electric vehicles and/or for battery energy storage systems, like the Megapack.

Tesla currently has several battery suppliers, lithium-ion chemistries and cell form factors in use. With the addition of BYD, the situation would be even more interesting and complex.

This prompts another question of whether BYD Blade Batteries are so competitive that they are worth adding to Tesla's portfolio or if Tesla's battery demand is so high that it needs more LFP batteries from the market.

There is a value in simply adding BYD to the list of suppliers to get better prices/negotiation position from CATL (Tesla's existing LFP-battery supplier), although we would bet that the performance and value proposition of BYD's products is the key.

A quick look at the BYD Blade Battery:
