Zaha hadid 贏得 Universidad de Sevilla 大學圖書館設計競圖


Zaha hadid 贏得 Universidad de Sevilla 大學圖書館設計競圖

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Zaha 阿姨再度傳出好消息!

Zaha Hadid 在西班牙安達魯西亞(Andalucía)自治區首府塞維利亞(Sevilla) 之 Universidad de Sevilla 大學所舉辦的中央圖書館競圖獲勝!此案預計在2008年完成。










Zaha hadid wins the new library for Sevilla university

The vanguard character of the project defined by Zaha Hadid made her the winer of the international competition for the Hispalense University for the future Central Library at the Prado of San Sebastian, Sevilla.

"Although all projects were valid for this building, Zaha was chosen because she proposes a new way of designing architecture. It is a new design completely from the point of view of the energy, geometry and technicals. For these reasons the jury decided unanimously" said yesterday Ricardo Bofill, president of the jury.

Through the use of ultimate technology the spaces of the library are organized with very complicate geometric shapes which generate an architectural object in movement.

Formally it is a building with no comparison worldwide and with this choice the university will face " additional risks because it is the first time a building with these characteristics is ever created, which will place Seville at the vanguard of architecture" aserted Bofill.

The building will rise above a horizontal line parallel to the Diego de Riaño street occupying a surface of 8.000 sq meters, of which 5.000 are useful.

With a length of 130 meters it opens to the Prado Park with an uneven height with the highest point rising to 25 meters.

The building is organized in 4 levels, basement for parking, ground level for a conference room cofee shop and other public spaces, in first and second levels is a wide study room for 600 users, together with the areas of investigation.

"Both superior levels articulate arround a central axis that conects to all the spaces" explaind Bofill who also indicated the sensation of movement that the buiding conveys. "every room is diferent to the others, walls and ceilings move, only floors are leveled and don't transmit that feeling". Works are expected to beguin at the end of this year and be finished by 2008.

She used a team of the Vasque company Idom, specialized in high end technology and who also worked in the Guggenheim de Bilbao.

Zaha Hadid - Seville University Library

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設計案名稱:Seville University Library
業主:La Universidad de Sevilla (The University of Seville)
建築師:Zaha Hadid + Patrik Schumacher
專案建築師:Sophie Le Bienvenu
競圖團隊:Federico Dunkelberg, Mariagrazia Lanza, Tarek Shamma, Ebru Simsek, Miya Ushida, Fulvio Wirz
總樓地板面積:8720 平方米:
基地面積:3915 平方米
顧問:IDOM (for Structure, M&E, Environmental and Sustainability, Costs)


The General Library and the Investigative Resources Centre is conceived as an extension of the adjacent park – 『el Prado de San Sebastian' , and as a continuous volume which emerges from itself, expanding longitudinally onto the site, progressively raising from a soft material into a strong surface.

Using a strategy to promote cultural and entertainment activities for the students of the University, the proposal performs as an attractor, not only for the users of 『el Prado de San Sebastian' but also for the 3,300 researchers using the facility; becoming a new Centre for the University and the City of Seville.

The concept for university libraries, particularly those which introduce technology in the process of research, have changed. Our design proposes a reading space hierarchically on top of the other spaces of the library, which become gradually more distinctive. The technological aspects are manifest in smaller spaces, where the user will be informed in an environment where the quality of this space is about communication and distribution of the information which they generate; in contrast with the reading space, which the user's comfort is given in terms of reading concentration.

Project Brief

The given site for the General Library and the Investigative Resources Centre of the University of Seville, is laid out as the wrapping end of the Direction of the University and 『el Prado de San Sebastian'. For that reason, the design arose as the spatial continuation of the park and its integration with the building.

The Avenue 『Carlos V' to the north is a busy thoroughfare, with cars, buses and the future Metro station 『Prado de San Sebastian'. In contrast to the south, Diego Riano Street, Avenue Portugal, and the park, are considerably quieter. This allows for the south side of the building to be allocated for reading, while the northern side has been allocated for the spaces with more flow of activities.


The design scheme is based on a half-basement platform appearing over the level of the street. Parking, plant rooms and workshops ventilated and illuminated through tall windows are within this platform

On top of the platform, the park is extended to form the public spaces which become transition areas between the park and the library located on the floors above. Users access the building through gardens and four nubs which contain the Common Zone: Reception, Conference Room, Exhibition Room and Cafeteria; all integrated to the adjacent context of 『el Prado' park. This transitory area creates an imposing space that attracts and invites users of the building.

Due to the linearity of the plot, the building is a longitudinal extension in which the cores/lifts have been distributed along the back façade allowing extensive views to 『el Prado' park for the communal and reading spaces. The design of the building is benefited by open areas with panoramic views.

The main reception hall distributes upwards to the next two levels

On the first floor the special service zone for the gathering of scientific and technical information. The main triple height space of the reception hall becomes the heart of the general library as well as the investigation resources centre distributing two wings on each level.

On the second floor, the zone for consultancy, study for students and a 600-seat lecture room are distributed accross three levels of terraces towards the central, triple-height space housing 20,000 books. This hall is illuminated by a skylight which runs along the north-south axis of the building and with distributed perforations along the facades.

The north-south orientation of the building is read formally, by means of the façade treatment and through a main skylight which crosses the building. The building is conceived mainly in concrete with some crystal perforations to generate a pleasant ambient temperature throughout the library.
文章: 14159
註冊時間: 2008-05-04, 11:28

Zaha Hadid 的 Seville 大學圖書館被勒令停工

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2006年,西班牙安達魯西亞(Andalucía)自治區首府塞維利亞(Seville)議會選出由 Zaha Hadid 所設計的 Seville University 中央圖書館,多少帶著期盼 Hadid 的作品可以像 Frank O. Gehry 所設計,位於西班牙畢爾包的古根漢美術館那樣帶來旅遊人潮以及新的文化象徵。

現在,由於該圖書館的基地位置侵蝕到 Prado de San Sebastián 這塊當地人常去休閒之綠地 8% 的空間,而被法官下令興建中的圖書館停工。

2006年的競圖過後,當地議會修法改變基地使用分區,以使得工程得以進行,沒想到三年後,法官將當年的修法推翻,導致 Zaha Hadid 在此地豎立地標建築受到阻撓。


Zaha Hadid's 'spaceship' library fails to take off in Seville

Zaha Hadid is one of an elite group of 「starchitects」 whose sometimes zany designs have won her the Pritzker Prize, architecture's equivalent of a Nobel award.

But her avant-garde work and international reputation — her projects include the new aquatics centre for the London Olympics — left residents in one part of Seville unimpressed. When they saw her plans for a £4 million library that looks like a spaceship, they banded together and managed to get the project stopped.

The battle concerns the Iraqi-born British architect's plans for a library for Seville University, described by Ms Hadid as 「a sculpted bar of stone with a great contrast between solidity and transparency」.

Seville's council had hoped that the space-age design might do for the sleepy Andalusian capital what Frank Gehry's Guggenheim Museum did for Bilbao — providing it with a new cultural icon and perhaps attracting a new kind of tourist.

Ms Hadid's project is for a three-storey and basement building spread over 8,000sq m. Apart from the library there are reading rooms, cafés, auditoriums, computer rooms, research halls and parking.

The architect said: 「This is the type of ambitious project which turns a city and a university into a reference point in terms of public spaces.」 A neighbourhood association saw it differently.

It said that the library would encroach on the Prado de San Sebastián, a green area that gives many Sevillanos a chance to escape the summer heat, and swallow up 8 per cent of the area. The Andalusian high court agreed and ordered work to be halted. In a statement to the court the residents said: 「The specifications regarding the new library clearly violate the protection measures derived from the fact that the Prado de San Sebastián is part of Seville's historical city centre.」

To allow work to start on the library Seville council had changed the rules, turning zones in which building work was banned into permitted areas. Judges ruling on the case overturned these changes, saying: 「This is the way we know the Prado and this is the way we recognise it.」

Alfonso Rodríguez Gómez de Celis, head of urban planning, said that the council would appeal as the new library would be in the public's interest. 「Planning processes exist and it is up to the city council what gets changed,」 he said.

Ms Hadid has nine current projects in Spain alone and last year built the Bridge Pavilion for Expo 2008 in Zaragoza. She made her name with daring projects such as the Phaeno Science Centre in Wolfsburg, Germany, and the Cincinnati Art Centre in Ohio. Next year her biggest building yet, the National Museum of XXI Century Arts in Rome, is due to be completed.