冰島藝術家 Olafur Eliasson - Your rainbow panorama 您的彩虹全景

文章: 14159
註冊時間: 2008-05-04, 11:28

冰島藝術家 Olafur Eliasson - Your rainbow panorama 您的彩虹全景

文章 eaGer »

A city is a cosmos, a site for social encounters and cohabitation.
A museum is a vision machine that challenges our senses, thoughts, and felt opinions.
The public, you, is a barometer of the world. You mould as much as you receive.

~ 《Your rainbow panorama》by Olafur Eliasson

「Your rainbow panorama 您的彩虹全景」是知名冰島藝術家 Olafur Elisson 的作品,擅長以空間、距離、顏色和光線為調色板來創作藝術的 Olafur Elisson,這次讓丹麥ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum 當代美術館的屋頂上漂浮著一道彩虹,也為丹麥的 Aarhus 市天際線帶來綺麗的彩譜。
↗ 從遠處眺望 Your rainbow panorama

高於屋面將近 4米的寬敞圓型走道由承重中度層壓玻璃製成,環狀結構高3米直徑52米覆蓋美術館屋頂,屋頂層環狀結構之下將設置咖啡廳和室外娛樂區,參觀者可以在整個屋頂陽台走動,「Your rainbow panorama 您的彩虹全景」圓環的玻璃層之間插入彩色摺紙,反射出彩虹的所有色彩,參觀者可以步行通過整個圓環並通過持續變換的色彩俯瞰 Aarhus 這個城市。
↗ 在 Your rainbow panorama 裡走著,不僅像是走在彩虹裡,城市的顏色也隨之變化

遊客可藉由下層餐廳的樓梯和電梯來到屋頂的「Your rainbow panorama 您的彩虹全景」和咖啡廳,會看見一個直徑10米的巨大球體座落於內環邊緣,其表面為拋光不鏽鋼,反射出周圍的景觀、天空及彩虹色彩漸變,參觀者由走道進入球體,幾個特別的鏡頭朝南嵌在球面上,陽光通過它們在球內反射出扣人心弦的圖景。
↗ 陽光透入 Olafur Eliasson 的作品 Your rainbow panorama,色彩變得更為鮮豔

「Your rainbow panorama 您的彩虹全景」看似一件裝置藝術,卻做到了許多建築師難以達成的使命,如何讓美術館這樣一種內向性格強烈的建築物與都市發生關連,Olafur Eliasson 卻讓建築體的本身成為一件謙卑的載體,當人們來到屋頂,觸發人們的感官去感應周遭的一事一物一人一草一建一築一動一靜,而都市裡行走的人們與車輛,也隨著時間的變化、太陽的角度、位置的不同,會觀察到不一樣的ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum 當代美術館

::Olafur Elisson::
::ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum 當代美術館::

↗ Olafur Elisson 的作品「Your rainbow panorama 您的彩虹全景」漂浮在城市建築之間
↗ 從遠處眺望 Your rainbow panorama
↗ 陽光透入 Olafur Eliasson 的作品 Your rainbow panorama,色彩變得更為鮮豔
↗ 在 Your rainbow panorama 裡走著,不僅像是走在彩虹裡,城市的顏色也隨之變化
↗ 再從都市的另一個角落看 Your rainbow panorama
↗ Olafur Eliasson 提案時的 Your rainbow panorama 電腦模擬圖 01
↗ Olafur Eliasson 提案時的 Your rainbow panorama 電腦模擬圖 02
↗ Your rainbow panorama 您的彩虹全景 施工相片 01
↗ Your rainbow panorama 您的彩虹全景 施工相片 02
↗ Your rainbow panorama 您的彩虹全景 施工相片 03
↗ Your rainbow panorama 您的彩虹全景 施工相片 04
↗ Your rainbow panorama 您的彩虹全景 施工相片 05
↗ Your rainbow panorama 您的彩虹全景 施工相片 06
↗ Your rainbow panorama 您的彩虹全景 施工相片 07
文章: 14159
註冊時間: 2008-05-04, 11:28

Re: 冰島藝術家 Olafur Eliasson - Your rainbow panorama 您的彩虹全景

文章 eaGer »

Olafur Eliasson 為這件「Your rainbow panorama 您的彩虹全景」寫了一篇文章,闡述他的想法。

Your rainbow panorama
Olafur Eliasson

A city is a cosmos, a site for social encounters and cohabitation.
A museum is a vision machine that challenges our senses, thoughts, and felt opinions.
The public, you, is a barometer of the world. You mould as much as you receive.

I think of Your rainbow panorama as a mediator that forges relations between these three: you, ARoS, and the city of Aarhus. It is a vehicle for looking anew, which frames views and frames you as you proceed through the seamless walkway of subtly transforming colour atmospheres. What you experience may be of both panoramic scope and introspective quality – you may see yourself seeing.

Sometimes alone, mostly with others.

I see Your rainbow panorama as an orientation tool. Dividing Aarhus into colour zones, it has the qualities of a lighthouse: it draws attention not only to itself, but also to your physical location in Aarhus. For people living in the city and moving through the different times of day, the work becomes a compass in time and space.

Imagine Your rainbow panorama as an instrument that tunes you – its user – so that your body is transformed into a colour resonator. Enveloped in the rainbow environment, you produce afterimages in hues complementary to the colours in the glass panes around you. If you look at the city through red glass, your eyes develop a green afterimage. If you maintain a quick pace, the colours remain vibrant.

But if you pause in one colour zone, the hue around you grows pale while the colours in your peripheral vision, where the walkway curves, intensify. Colour intensities depend on your speed.

The colour spectrum speaks to the museum collections below – to contemporary art as well as to the works of, say, Karl Isakson, Olaf Rude, or Oluf Høst. These modernist painters were equally infatuated with what colours say and do.

Colour intensifies reality at all times.

The circle of Your rainbow panorama complements the museum's square plan exactly. These basic geometric forms challenge each other in a friendly dialogue about spatial dimensions, movement, and the passing of time. The continuous curve limits your view to about twenty meters ahead, revealing one colour shade after the other. The intimacy created by this short distance is reflected back on the moving bodies.

Think of Your rainbow panorama as an expectation machine. Even before entering ARoS and ascending to the work, you may look upon the city as if through coloured glass. Your expected gaze.

What you know from the street then emerges from above as strangely real, in a continuous interplay of colour saturation and desaturation. Suspended between the city and the sky, this viewing platform insists on your sensory engagement. You feel the view. Perhaps your memory of the art collections below, through which you just made your way, infiltrate your experience.

Your rainbow panorama sits on top of a house of condensed meanings – contested, defended, undone, and re-enacted – of cultural intentions, historical realities, visions, and revisions.

Museums will always be vision machines.

Visions for now and forever.