關於西班牙建築大師 Santiago Calatrava 的二三事...


關於西班牙建築大師 Santiago Calatrava 的二三事...

文章 貝克漢 »

應站長邀請, 我就厚臉皮的翻譯並註解一篇西班牙國家報的常駐社論專欄...
關於西班牙建築圈近來最夯的頭號人物 Santiago Calatrava (我稱卡哥, 哥字輩當然有其超人之處) 8)

Arquitectos estrella
No necesitamos los españoles a ingenieros o arquitectos que proyecten obras que saben que su coste será tres o cuatro veces lo que estudian minuciosamente con un gabinete superlativo. No necesitamos a ningún valenciano que haga patriotismo de valencianidad y que facture desde Suiza (un paraíso fiscal, digan lo que digan). No necesitamos los ciudadanos a alguien que debería, con sus medios, estudiar, resolver y concretar los proyectos que se les proponen sin incurrir en costes sobrelevados, ni cuanto mínimo el doble o triple de lo presupuestado.

Ahora viene usted, Sr. Calatrava, a decir que “los importes son incluso modestos”, o sea, los 94 millones de euros de sus honorarios, es decir, los 15.640 millones de pesetas son modestos (lo paso a pesetas para que los más mayores se den cuenta de la barbaridad que nos quiere usted colar). Y quiere defender su honor cuando sus obras han producido, al menos, 700 millones de euros de déficit. Lo que debería denunciar es la fase de adjudicación, con quién contrató y en qué condiciones, revelar quién le tuteló, le adoptó y quién le prometió, así sería realmente un valenciano, un patriota y por supuesto, una persona digna.— Francisco Vicente Agulló Sánchez.

我們不需要西班牙的工程師或建築師 (對, 卡哥在西班牙兩大派別的夾殺之下, 歧視也不是啥奇怪的事情), 設計執行需花費三次或四次的預算, 藉此研究在最高機密的黑箱之中, 極微小的精密細節.(對, 卡哥在上上個月開始, 由於瓦倫西亞議會的預算審查中, 發現卡哥在瓦倫西亞科學城的幾個大型地標型建案當中, 請款去研究一些到目前還尚未對外公布的必要研究項目, 並重複高達三四次...) 我們不需要任何瓦倫西亞人, 從事"愛護瓦倫西亞主義", 並總是從瑞士來請款 (一個人們口中的避稅天堂). (卡哥似乎具有雙重國籍, 然後針對議會的質疑, 常常使用瑞士西班牙往返等等的類似原因, 來申請更多的使用經費, 並且藉由設在瑞士的公司來進行避稅, 卡哥在幾個月之前, 可以說是瓦倫西亞城的再生父母, 雖然在西班牙也只剩這個他開始執業的城市, 還願意給他送炭...台灣的徐旭東大老闆, 想必是卡哥的第二父母...). 我們不需要公民對別人(業主本身)硬性規定使用自己的設計方法來研究, 滿足需求及執行落實這些案子, 而不會產生成本暴增, 或者至少追加一倍或兩倍的預算金額. (卡哥的瘋狂追加數據部分, 等有空我再去翻翻補完 XD )

現在, 您, 卡拉特拉瓦先生, 說:"這些都是適度的金額數字", 即9400萬歐元的費用, 也等同舊幣15,640億的數目是適當的 (換算成舊幣是要讓老年人也能得知您對我們野蠻的傷害). 您要捍衛您自己的榮譽的同時間, 您的工程已經製造出了700萬歐元的財政赤字 (目前卡哥已經對多家媒體與議員, 瓦倫西亞政府之類的提起告訴, 企圖捍衛自己的皇后貞操). 這正是到了譴責的裁決階段, 誰用了這樣的條件來雇用, 並且包庇掩蓋了事實, 養肥了此案利潤, 並允許同意放水. 這將會是一個真正的瓦倫西亞人, 一個愛國的人, 當然, 也是一個有尊嚴的人. Francisco Vicente Agulló Sánchez (西班牙國家報的常駐專欄作家)

註解: 經濟好的時候, 西班牙各地政府無所不用其極, 個個都想來個古根漢經驗, 狂邀競圖等等...去年開始, 一堆中大型的案子紛紛出包停擺, 卡哥的瓦倫西亞城鎮計畫, 算是極為龐大的其中一個, 包含了科學中心, 音樂廳, 橋梁...等等, 議會在檢討預算赤字的同時, 發現了卡哥這近十年的操盤之下, 預算請款極度異常, 所以也就爆發了這一檔"卡哥風雲", 在youtube都還可以看到各種嘲諷卡哥的影片, 當然, 馬德里與巴賽隆納兩大派系的夾殺之下, 對卡哥的不滿, 甚至在教科書上都明著說明, 這可以請AF大大補完 :mrgreen:

原文出處http://elpais.com/elpais/2012/06/22/opi ... 51740.html

Re: 關於Santiago Calatrava的二三事...

文章 thomas »

西班牙別難過,希臘2004 年的奧運場館,倫敦奧運都要開幕了她還沒完工,應該也不可能完工。


Re: 關於Santiago Calatrava的二三事...

文章 貝克漢 »

thomas 寫:這個世界不能沒有卡爺爺…
我只是看了這幾個月的相關新聞很感慨, 西班牙政府在怎麼糜爛, 顢頇...新聞界在怎麼充斥八卦...
學術圈在怎麼內鬥, 分派別...該去挑戰, 質疑的, 樣樣沒少過, 台灣呢? 好像只會看風光亮麗的那一面,
然後就照單全收當神拜了..... :o :o :o
文章: 14159
註冊時間: 2008-05-04, 11:28

Re: 關於西班牙建築大師 Santiago Calatrava 的二三事...

文章 eaGer »

謝謝貝克漢的分享,這一篇文章要搭配另外一篇報導「大蓋蚊子館 拖垮西班牙財政」做延伸閱讀。

設計前衛、外型搶眼的瓦倫西亞市立藝術暨科學館(西班牙建築師 Santiago Calatrava 設計),營運雖然正常,但興建成本高達一點三億歐元,比原預算超出近一倍,也為市政府留下約六億歐元的債務。

過去幾年,西班牙當代建築被世人推崇著其茂盛地發展、甚至往其他國家輸出建築設計,知名建築師 Santiago Calatrava 在他們國內的許多舉措,也開始受到檢視,或許這也是西班牙財政困難所露出的冰山一角罷了。

Re: 關於西班牙建築大師 Santiago Calatrava 的二三事...

文章 貝克漢 »

eaGer 寫:謝謝貝克漢的分享,這一篇文章要搭配另外一篇報導「大蓋蚊子館 拖垮西班牙財政」做延伸閱讀。
基本上, 卡哥風雲至少開播一個多月有了, 台灣媒體竟然在六月十一日才有這麼一條翻譯自BBC的新聞...
回想起五年前左右的古根漢在台旋風, 還有專題報導...媒體選擇性的報導, 可真是可笑至極.

話說, 上個月也是有一條畢爾包古根漢的新聞, 也是再檢討每年必須花費的維修與水電費用, 已經造成當地政府一個擺脫不了的痛....
文章: 8789
註冊時間: 2002-09-30, 12:44

Re: 關於西班牙建築大師 Santiago Calatrava 的二三事...

文章 forgemind.news »

準建築人手札網站的 FACEBOOK 頁面上,蕭朝明先生提出了以下的回應:

任何成就非凡,偉大的建築師都難免會招致批評.不過這種拿了一篇當地報導,就自以為挖到寶而急於現寶,自以為是建築評論家的文章,建議看看就好.Calatrava 如果知道被這種咖批評,可能會吐血啦





誠如蕭先生所言「偉大的建築師都難免會招致批評」,在此篇報導之外,準建築人手札網站並非一味地只是陳述 Calatrava 在西班牙目前所遇到的困境,多年來也介紹了許許多多他的建築作品供大家認識 Calatrava 設計的魅力。

Re: 關於西班牙建築大師 Santiago Calatrava 的二三事...

文章 貝克漢 »

forgemind.news 寫:準建築人手札網站的 FACEBOOK 頁面上,蕭朝明先生提出了以下的回應:

任何成就非凡,偉大的建築師都難免會招致批評.不過這種拿了一篇當地報導,就自以為挖到寶而急於現寶,自以為是建築評論家的文章,建議看看就好.Calatrava 如果知道被這種咖批評,可能會吐血啦
是阿是阿, 我是這種咖
再補一篇政府已經發出正式通知, 要求澄清合約並退還一些費用
http://ccaa.elpais.com/ccaa/2012/06/20/ ... 38698.html
世界報的報導, 交通部相關部門指控卡哥的橋有多項違規事項
http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2012/06/0 ... 73476.html

挖寶? 現寶? 難怪資訊那麼方便查閱, 台灣多數人卻永遠走不出去... :P

如果西班牙人知道台灣有一票卡哥粉絲, 西班牙一票重量級建築師才可能會吐血啦

Re: 關於西班牙建築大師 Santiago Calatrava 的二三事...

文章 arhuang »

何謂謹慎?與建築評論是否須具公信力的必要?以維基的解釋:criticism is a common aspect of all human expression and need not necessarily imply skilled or accurate expressions of judgment. 呵呵!看起來只要不是捏造或惡意,評論是天賦人權啊!
貝兄繼續平衡報導啊! [:yayaya]

Re: 關於西班牙建築大師 Santiago Calatrava 的二三事...

文章 貝克漢 »

arhuang 寫:
何謂謹慎?與建築評論是否須具公信力的必要?以維基的解釋:criticism is a common aspect of all human expression and need not necessarily imply skilled or accurate expressions of judgment. 呵呵!看起來只要不是捏造或惡意,評論是天賦人權啊!
貝兄繼續平衡報導啊! [:yayaya]
感謝支持...不過翻譯這種批判文, 又得補充很多當地的偏見跟背景, 感覺我在給自己製造麻煩...
我也只是剛好在馬德里建築圈有稍微過水一下, 剛開學之前, 我也是很尊敬卡哥.
直到第一堂課, 資深老師問我們喜歡那些西班牙建築師, 我講了卡哥之後, 原本親切的老師很正經地告訴我們, 以後有哪個老師問, 千萬不能把卡哥歸類在"建築師"裡面...我才見識到西班牙建築兩大系統, 對於卡哥的不齒...我也才開始用另一種角度來檢視他.
與其說建築人愛批判, 還不如說為何只有他被這樣"特殊待遇".

Re: 關於西班牙建築大師 Santiago Calatrava 的二三事...

文章 ArchiFragment »



這很難一時說得清楚,如果去瞭解Rafael Moneo等西建築師的作品理念
因為卡的造型建築有這麼一大票的擁護者,包括Zaha Hadid的擁護者
(英國著名評論家Frampton日前才撰文批評Zaha Hadid,Frampton夠利了吧!?)

不只批評了卡,還有設計巴賽隆那機場的Ricardo Bofill,自來水大樓的Jean Nouvel


Flickr 上 Leon53201

Flickr 上 Leon53202

Flickr 上 Leon53203

Flickr 上 Leon53204

Flickr 上 Leon53205

Flickr 上 Leon53206

Flickr 上 Leon53207
最後由 ArchiFragment 於 2012-06-26, 01:18 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
文章: 14159
註冊時間: 2008-05-04, 11:28

Re: 關於西班牙建築大師 Santiago Calatrava 的二三事...

文章 eaGer »

唉唉唉,慚愧!我是當年曾高呼 Pritzker Architecture Prize 應該頒給 Calatrava 的人,今天閱讀 AF 的文字再去回想卡爺的設計,才開始反省為何 Pritzker 的評審團對卡爺的作品不是那麼在意。

Re: 關於西班牙建築大師 Santiago Calatrava 的二三事...

文章 貝克漢 »

ArchiFragment 寫:...
AF大大真是認真魔人...看來那篇Frampton的"麵包與馬戲" 就交給你翻譯了 :lol: :lol: :lol:
不過得面對蓋瑞爺粉絲跟Zaha阿姨粉絲...等等的圍剿喔 :mrgreen:

順便幫你把那篇挖出來 http://www.arquitecturaviva.com/media/D ... ampton.pdf

Re: 關於西班牙建築大師 Santiago Calatrava 的二三事...

文章 chillywilly »

I guess Architectural Record have read the comments and posting from Forgemind.net. There is an interview conducted by Fred A. Bernstein and published in A.Record, lets see what the noise is all about, the rumors, the facts, the whispers...........the interview!


Trans-post from ArchRecord.com

Newsmaker: Santiago Calatrava
The renowned Spanish engineer and designer is the subject of an exhibition opening today at Russia's Hermitage Museum—the institution's first retrospective devoted to a contemporary architect. Calatrava speaks candidly with Architectural Record about the show, his work, and the criticism he often faces.

Interview by Fred A. Bernstein
June 27, 2012

Is it the best of times, or the worst of times, for Santiago Calatrava? One of the few architects whose name is recognized around the world, he lives like a pasha (with no fewer than three town houses on Park Avenue in Manhattan, and lavish homes in Spain and Switzerland), while shuttling to building sites in Europe, Asia, and both North and South America. His bridges draw tourists to cities as diverse as Venice, Jerusalem, Calgary, and Dallas. And he is about to be the subject of a show at the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg (Santiago Calatrava: The Quest for Movement, June 27 to September 30, 2012).

But he has also been the target of intense criticism, much of it involving the staggering costs of his buildings. In New York, the price of his transit hub at Ground Zero has risen to $3.8 billion. In Valencia, his hometown, he has been described as “bleeding the government dry,” with architectural fees approaching 100 million euros for his City of Arts and Sciences. And there have been questions about the practicality of some of his designs. Calatrava was happy to tackle these subjects by phone from Zurich.

FB: Will the show at the Hermitage be like the one at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2005?

SC: It’s much bigger. The Metropolitan wanted to make a very dense show. This one will be about 20,000 square feet. There will be 60 or 70 architectural models, and also sculptures and watercolors that will let people understand my approach to projects.

FB: Some critics of your show at the Metropolitan thought you were trying to present yourself as an artist like Brancusi, whose work was shown near yours, rather than as an architect.

SC: I never saw it like that. It has never been my intention to, let’s say, do a sculpture to imitate the great art of Brancusi, just as Brancusi never wanted to imitate Rodin. I do those pieces as a vehicle to research architecture, like le Corbusier—la recherche patiente, the patient research. It’s a very intimate work.

FB: Have you ever sold your art?

SC: I have been tempted, very much in the beginning, to work with an art dealer, but then I renounced that because my production is so limited.

FB: It’s been reported that your house in Valencia may someday become a Calatrava museum.

SC: I don’t have the ambition to do a museum, although we have been taking care to archive all these things. Tina [his wife, Robertina Calatrava] has been creating a kind of catalogue raisonné of my work.

FB: How do you divide your time between art and architecture?

SC: It is impossible for me to have an architecture office and, far away, a studio for sculpture. I have to put these things together. I spend at least three or four hours a day on the art, and the rest of the time overseeing and designing for the office.

FB: You’ve been taking some criticism lately. Several of your buildings have been denounced as impractical.

SC: But I built a train station in Liege, which took more than 12 years, and now I am building a second station for the same client. The same thing happened in Dublin. I was commissioned to do a second, much larger, and more complex bridge. And in Dallas, I did a bridge and we’re doing a second bridge there. The important thing is that the client thinks it’s worth it to work with me.

FB: And the price of the New York City transit hub?

SC: In a democracy, people think money should be spent in different ways. I am completely convinced that what we’re doing at Ground Zero is an important work. It is in the tradition of the great buildings, like Grand Central Station.

FB: What about the criticisms in Valencia? The left wing Esquerra Unida party says you’ve charged the Valencia government 100 million euros.

SC: Thank you very much for this question. I have been working there for 20 years. My firm has received fees of 90 million euros, which is very modest if you consider that I have been doing the architecture, landscape architecture, and all the engineering—structural, mechanical, plumbing. Also, I’ve had a huge team of people there doing site control and site administration. I am responsible for everything, from the first sketch to the finished buildings.

FB: What do you think has caused the criticism?

SC: It is a political maneuver by the communists. They are not attacking the Alhambra in Granada. They are not attacking the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela. They are not attacking the Prado in Madrid.

FB: Still, 1.1 billion euros [the project’s total cost] is a lot of money in this economy.

SC: Spain has received 100 billion euros [as an initial bailout] from the European community. People are saying it will need one trillion euros altogether. Compared to that, the 1.1 billion euros for my buildings is nothing. [Raising his voice] It is wrong to say I have made too much money there. It is not true.

FB: You’re very passionate about this.

SC: I like very much this word passion, because it comes from the Latin passio, which means “suffering.” I have been working very hard. This is the truth, Fred.

FB: And you think the Valencia project will stand the test of time?

SC: It’s not something volatile, like making a bailout for the banks. It is something that has been built and will remain for generations as a testimony that Spain has found its place in the world as a free and democratic country.

Re: 關於西班牙建築大師 Santiago Calatrava 的二三事...

文章 arhuang »

Compared to that, the 1.1 billion euros for my buildings is nothing.
呵呵!卡哥這句話可不怎麼動聽,尤其在失業率高達兩位數的社會啊! :o :o
文章: 14159
註冊時間: 2008-05-04, 11:28

Re: 關於西班牙建築大師 Santiago Calatrava 的二三事...

文章 eaGer »

arhuang 寫:
Compared to that, the 1.1 billion euros for my buildings is nothing.
呵呵!卡哥這句話可不怎麼動聽,尤其在失業率高達兩位數的社會啊! :o :o
台灣的建築師要是膽敢講出類似的話「我設計的某件公共工程其實也才花了三十億台幣,比起台北101,算不了什麼」,恐怕電視新聞會24小時播出了。 :D