英國建築師 Thomas Heatherwick 之倫敦泰晤士河上花園橋 華麗的公共景觀建築

文章: 8789
註冊時間: 2002-09-30, 12:44

英國建築師 Thomas Heatherwick 之倫敦泰晤士河上花園橋 華麗的公共景觀建築

文章 forgemind.news »


由倫敦交通局(Transport for London)主導,英國建築師Thomas Heatherwick 為泰晤士河設計了一座人行步橋,以一座種滿草、樹和各種野花的花園式步道 Garden Bridge 連接南倫敦和北倫敦,泰晤士河南岸在過去二十年間形成了一個充滿活力的藝術區塊,吸引大批遊客到訪其藝廊、劇院、音樂廳、餐廳和戶外娛樂空間,然而,北岸區域的遊客到訪數卻是遠遠不及南岸,這座橋串連南北岸的同時,帶來更多漫遊的遊客,為 Covent Garden 與 Soho 這些不同的區域之間提供新的步行路線。

提出花園橋構想的英國女演員Joanna Lumley 與 Thomas Heatherwick 密切合作,Joanna Lumley 認為「討論一件尚不存在的東西確實非常奇怪,但是這座花園橋已經活靈活現地浮現在規劃與想像中,每天都會是觸動人心的場所,因為這是一片沒有噪音與交通擁堵的地方,我們只會聽到鳥叫、蜂鳴、風吹過樹梢的聲音及流水,這也許是穿越泰晤士河最慢的一條路,但在這裡,人們變得慵懶、憑欄遠眺、遍覽城市風景;它足夠安全,對於疲憊的上班族來說也相當便捷,我相信這座橋會為倫敦人及遊客帶來安逸、美麗、魔幻的感覺。」

作為千禧橋後第一座出現在泰晤士河上的橋樑,Thomas Heatherwick 的設計將為這座城市帶來更豐富的綠色空間,但這座造價約一億五千萬英鎊的華麗景觀橋存在許多問題,要如何將樹林與超過1000立方米的土壤帶到橋上,如何讓大樹能順利生長,都是嚴峻的設計挑戰,Heatherwick Studio 與倫敦交通局、知名園藝家 Dan Pearson 及工程顧問公司 Arup 密切發展計劃當中,可能會在2017年底完成。


::英國建築師 Thomas Heatherwick 之倫敦泰晤士河上花園橋 Garden Bridge 華麗的公共景觀建築::


::The Garden Bridge Trust::

文章: 8789
註冊時間: 2002-09-30, 12:44

Re: 英國建築師 Thomas Heatherwick - 倫敦泰晤士河上花園橋

文章 forgemind.news »

英國上議院(House of Lords)認為,Thomas Heatherwick 設計的花園橋是一件昂貴的面子工程,在議會的辯論中,質疑是否有必要再設置另外一道渡河的橋樑,並指稱它是倫敦市長 Boris Johnson 的寵物計劃。


Lords call Heatherwick bridge plan 'expensive vanity project'
10 January 2014 | By Elizabeth Hopkirk

Thomas Heatherwick’s garden bridge was dismissed as an expensive vanity project in the House of Lords during a debate yesterday.

Peers questioned the need for another river crossing and suggested it was a pet scheme of London mayor Boris Johnson.

If a new bridge was necessary, they said, it should be “simple” like Foster & Partners’ Millennium Bridge.

Lord Davies of Oldham, a Labour peer, said: “It is a very expensive piece of public art, a vanity project of the mayor – and we know where his vanity projects have gone and what they have cost the country.

“The cycle hire scheme is in trouble, his Emirates gondola crossing down at Greenwich carries so few passengers that it is risible and, of course, the taxpayer will have to pick up the bill.”

Lord Lloyd of Berwick described it as a waste of money and added: “Why try to plant trees on a bridge, where they will be exposed to all the elements, will be a hazard to river craft once they are fully grown and will, in my view at any rate, look completely ridiculous?”

Lord Deighton, commercial secretary to the Treasury, defended the department’s £30 million grant for the project. He listed its benefits to London and the UK, saying: “First, there is the pedestrian connectivity that it will give. It will switch people out of cars and on to their feet and make a very important connection.

“Secondly, it will increase London visitor numbers, which is very important. It will be a great visitor attraction.

“Thirdly, it will have significant development value, connecting the South Bank and its creative centre to the Aldwych and Covent Garden. The development it will bring on each side will have significant value. Finally, it will be a great showcase for UK expertise.

“Our brilliant designer, Thomas Heatherwick, is designing it, Arup is engineering it and Dan Pearson is landscaping the garden, so it will generate other future business for London through that showcase.”

But he insisted the government would only hand over cash once it had received a business case demonstrating value for money for the taxpayer.

Baroness McIntosh of Hudnall invoked the spirit of George Bernard Shaw who said “on the whole the British never want anything? They particularly did not want, for example, the National Theatre. They got it and are now very proud of it. The same thing is true of the London Eye. Does [the minister] not agree that the same thing, in time, may be true of the garden bridge?”