Van der Celen,來自比利時的純粹極簡

Van der Celen是一名來自比利時的室內設計師
Van der Celen是一名來自比利時室內設計

Van der Celen是一名來自比利時室內設計師,設計以清新和簡潔著稱,他對建築,空間以及傢俱等領域充滿熱情,致力於採取設計,創造與業主的完美互動,帶給每個業主稱心如意的空間。

TOE小公寓改造 Totaalrenovatie woning Beerse

極簡 優雅 高級

TOE是一個超級小公寓的改造位於比利時(Beerse, Belgium),業主的願望是擁有新廚房,擁有溫暖舒適的空間與家人共度美好時光。在這個作品中,設計團隊創建了一個新的中央體積穿著淺色橡木木材單板。連接餐廳與廚房和一間小辦公室空間為一個整體,同時隱藏了現有的儲藏室。他們設計了一個實用的廚房日常使用的白漆無縫固體表面的檯面。


PA Totaalrenovatie woning Hasselt

原木 極簡 格調

大量的光線和最少的用材是業主的願望,也是作品的出發點。所選材料包括淺色橡木、混凝土和白色和黑色的基本顏色交替,並在整個房屋中完全延伸。由輕橡木單板製成的中央中央塊構成了房屋的中心。開放式廚房和起居空間採取連續和客製化的牆單元連接,包括帶大理石防濺板的水槽壁龕、水平鋼帶中的內置燃氣壁爐和隱藏的電視壁龕。Fenix 的全黑色防手指烹飪島與原本明亮清新的內飾形成了令人興奮的對比。樓上的開放式辦公空間、帶浮動洗臉盆的浴室和臥室使用了相同的調色板。

PA is a minimalist renovation of a home located in Hasselt, Belgium, designed by Nils Van der Celen. A lot of light and a minimum of materials were the wishes of the customer and also the starting point of Project PA, in Hasselt. The chosen materials with light oak, concrete & the basic colors white and black alternate and are fully extended throughout the house. A central center block of light oak veneer forms the heart of the home. The open kitchen and living space are connected by means of a continuous & custom-made wall unit including sink with marble splash wall。

LC住宅室內設計 Appartement Knokke

原木 極簡 格調


Residence LC is a minimalist home located in Knokke, Belgium,. It was the wish of the client and designer to keep the relationship between outside and inside serene, and with as little contrast as possible. This result is a homogeneous concept where tranquility and simplicity prevail by the use of natural, yet qualitative materials. The main material chosen is a light oak wood veneer with a vertical grain, which is combined with a more brutal drawing in the ceramic stone and a playful combination of colors in the terrazzo stone. The kitchen is conceived as one large furniture block with integrated bench and kitchen island.

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