MIT 麻省理工學院校園的大海綿,Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl


美國建築師 為麻省理工學院 M.I.T. 設計了一棟大學生宿舍「」,長度是382英呎,共有十層樓高,總樓地板面積約為 18110 平方米。

可容納350名學生住宿,其他空間包括餐廳、視聽室、閱覽室、洗衣間等生活設施,在 2002 年竣工。

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

Steven Holl 以「孔隙 (porosity)」做為發展概念,建築外表明顯可見的是那些密密麻麻窗戶,原來是每間寢室內都有九個可活動開關的窗戶,幫助空氣流動以及自然光照入,最後這棟「Simmons Hall」獲得了「SPONGE(海綿)」之綽號。




沿著走廊溜躂,你會看到西蒙斯宿舍裡充滿生氣的生活。在彎曲的粉筆牆上,可以找到繪有口袋妖怪的圖畫、物理方程以及《權力的遊戲》中的地圖。從一個休息室裡傳來了人們玩棋盤遊戲的笑聲,而另一個休息室內正在舉行大規模的18.02 pset聚會。你可以停下拜訪宿舍長的宿舍,品嚐約翰的美味冰沙,跟隨一群熱情的大一新生,看看我們電子工程實驗室和研討室的最新項目。從前台獲悉即將上映的影片信息,你可以在我們的信箱休息室建立一個遠離街區的新世界。最後在我們的食堂裡,與一群住在西蒙斯宿舍的朋友論暢談在這個「海綿塊」裡的生活。



Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍 作品資訊

作品名稱:Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍
建築師:Steven Holl

Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍 圖片

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

Simmons Hall, located at 229 Vassar Street, was designed by architect Steven Holl and dedicated in 2002. At the cost of $78.5 million, it is MIT’s most expensive dormitory built on campus since Baker House.

It is 382 feet long and 10 stories tall, housing 350 undergraduates, faculty housemasters, visiting scholars, and graduate assistants. The structure is concrete block perforated with approximately 5,500 square windows each measuring two feet (0.60 meters) on a side, and additional larger and irregularly-shaped windows. An 18″ (0.46 meters) wall depth is designed to provide shade in summer while allowing the winter sun to help heat the building, without air conditioning. Unfortunately, the efficacy of such a design is yet to be proven and temperature problems plague parts of the building throughout the year. The students complain that the very small metal window frames and screens create a faraday cage which make it difficult to receive wireless telephone signals. An average single room has nine windows, each with its own small curtain.

Internal design consists of one- and two-person rooms–some in suite-like settings with semi-private bathrooms–and lounges with and without kitchens, roughly arranged into three towers (the “A”, “B”, and “C” towers). Simmons Hall is one of the four dormitories that have dining halls; the dining facility is open Sunday through Thursday evenings to members of the MIT community.

The building has been nicknamed the “sponge”, but opinions on the aesthetics of the building remain strongly divided. On one hand, Simmons Hall won the 2003 American Institute of Architects Honor Award for Architecture, and the 2004 Harleston Parker Medal, administered by the Boston Society of Architects and awarded to the “most beautiful piece of architecture building, monument or structure” in the Boston area. On the other hand, the building has been criticized as being ugly, a sentiment echoed in James Kunstler’s “Eyesore of the Month” catalog. Many of the residents of Simmons complain that aesthetics came as a higher priority than functionality. For example, residents in the “A” tower must take two different elevators, or must walk the length of the building twice (more than an eighth of a mile) to reach the dining hall because the “A” elevator does not service the dining hall. Other oddities include staircases that do not offer access to every floor. The lighting in student rooms is sometimes far too dim to be of any use as well.

Additionally, due to the architectural attention given to this building, architects are sometimes found trying to observe student life in the building, an occurrence that the students strongly resent (notices are sometimes sent out by e-mail when architects do enter the building, alerting residents to escort them out).

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

MIT Simmons Hall西蒙斯學生宿舍/Steven Holl

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