KPOP 高雄海洋文化及流行音樂中心競圖提案/Studio Gang Architects + 潘冀聯合建築師事務所


Kaohsiung Maritime Cultural & Popular Music Center International Competition

第 3 名:
投標廠商:Jeanne Gang Studio Gang Architects, Ltd 國籍:美國
共同投標廠商:潘冀聯合建築師事務所/潘冀 國籍:中華民國

Third Prize:
Tenderer: Jeanne Gang Studio Gang Architects, Ltd Nationality: U.S.A.
Joint Tenderer: J.J. Pan and Partners / J.J. Pan Nationality: R.O.C

設計概念 Design Concepts





01 與都市網絡融合
02 港口水岸再生
03 讓建築成為一場奇遇
04 塑造壯闊的挑空空間
05 擴展港口活力
06 高塔之力
07 動線組織策略
08 水系優化
09 遮蔭系統創造城市生活
10 臺灣製造

• a compact intersection of interlaced material, such as cord or rope
• an object of interest—an integral element of maritime culture and a suggestive model for densely-woven urbanism
• a metaphor for tying together urban, landscape and buildingideas
Weaving the urban network into the site from every direction, the building becomes a vibrant urban ‘knot’ for Kaohsiung.

BECOMING THE “HARBOR-MUSIC CITY”. 10 Transformational Ideas for Kaohsiung:

01 Tie into the Urban Network
02 Reclaim the Edge
03 Make Architecture an Adventure
04 Shape Spectacular Voids
05 Amplify the Harbor’s Kinetics
06 Tower Power
07 Finesse the Flows
08 Improve H2O
09 Shade = Urbanism
10 Made in Taiwan


Studio Gang Architects + 潘冀聯合建築師事務所 – KPOP 高雄海洋文化及流行音樂中心國際競圖提案 01

Studio Gang Architects + 潘冀聯合建築師事務所 – KPOP 高雄海洋文化及流行音樂中心國際競圖提案 02

Studio Gang Architects + 潘冀聯合建築師事務所 – KPOP 高雄海洋文化及流行音樂中心國際競圖提案 03

Studio Gang Architects + 潘冀聯合建築師事務所 – KPOP 高雄海洋文化及流行音樂中心國際競圖提案 04

Studio Gang Architects + 潘冀聯合建築師事務所 – KPOP 高雄海洋文化及流行音樂中心國際競圖提案 05

Studio Gang Architects + 潘冀聯合建築師事務所 – KPOP 高雄海洋文化及流行音樂中心國際競圖提案 06

服務團隊簡介 Team Profile

Studio Gang Architects

Studio Gang Architects 是一家逐漸在國際間崛起的專業建築師事務所,善於在設計中討論當前的社會議題,由具遠見的Jeanne Gang女士所創立並擔任負責人。她的好奇心、智慧及前衛創意催生了一些當今最創新與傑出的知名建築物。

Jeanne 嘗試找尋可以回應地方特色(基地特點、文化 、人物性格),同時迴響全球性議題(人口密度,氣候變化,永續設計等問題)的建築物。她的設計立基於令人注目的創新想法而非重複利用的型式設計準則,透過 在材料、科技及社會自然科學等跨領域研究演繹出適合的設計方案。隨著Studio Gang 建築師事務所十四年來的快速成長,Jeanne持續追尋創造-引用紐約建築評論家Paul Goldberger對於Studio Gang Architects在芝加哥的最新作品Aqua Tower的評論–“保有令人注目的驚豔造型但又完全不失現實的實用性建築"。

Studio Gang Architects

Visionary architect Jeanne Gang is the founder and principal of Studio Gang Architects, a rising international practice whose work confronts pressing contemporary issues. Driven by curiosity, intelligence, and radical creativity, Jeanne has produced some of today’s most innovative and award-winning architecture.

Jeanne seeks to answer questions that lie locally (site, culture, people) and resound globally (density, climate, sustainability) through her architecture. She roots her designs in compelling ideas rather than repetitive formal principles, and often arrives at design solutions through cross-field investigations in materials, technology, and the natural and social sciences. As her rapidly growing studio approaches its fourteenth year, Jeanne continues to pursue creating architecture that (as New Yorker critic Paul Goldberger described Aqua) “reclaims the notion that thrilling and beautiful form can emerge out of the realm of the practical.”


本事務所由潘冀建築師於1981年創辦,以其三十餘年 國內外執業之經驗,並集合多方面百餘位優秀之人才,提供以國際新技術、新觀念為用,而以我國傳統文化、地域特色為本之綜合性設計服務。

事 務所自成立以來,以誠信嚴謹、篤實精確之作風從事設計監造之服務,數年間即已深獲各界之愛護與信任,致業務發展迅速而穩定,作品水準更多蒙行內外之賞識及 推崇,屢獲國內外專業雜誌之刊載報導,並多次獲得各種之設計獎項。由於其設計規劃之終身成就,潘冀建築師於1994年並獲美國建築師協會(A.I.A)頒 授之院士(FELLOW) 榮譽;於1996年,亦獲內政部選為中華民國傑出建築師。事務所業務種類涵蓋甚廣,其中涉及尖端科技,需專門性技術設計、研究、協調配合之繁複工程,尤為 擅長並能勝任愉快。在設計品質、工作進度、造價估算掌握、工地監督各方面之努力,皆有具體明顯之成績,達到業主尋求專業服務之要求。

J.J. Pan and Partners

JJPan and Partners is an architectural and planning firm dedicated to providing creative solutions in the design and planning of built environments. The firm combines a proven track record, advanced education, talented design capability, extensive technical experience, and a wide range of professional, teaching, and research backgrounds into a comprehensive, world-class service package for clients in Taiwan and from around the globe.

J.J. Pan and Partners was founded in 1981 by Mr. Joshua Jih Pan, FAIA. Now with over 200 staff members, the firm and its subsidiary companies are committed to providing comprehensive and diverse design with strict quality control. Over the years, the firm’s list of clients and its high regard from fellow professionals and the general public have grown steadily. In addition, J.J. Pan and Partners has had the opportunity to serve many clients on a repeat basis and win the trust of clients in search of the highest levels of professional expertise to handle complex, large-scale projects.
The firm’s list of projects encompasses a wide range of environmental and building types, including master planning and urban design for residential communities, college campuses, and industrial parks; building design for housing complexes, high-tech industrial plants, office buildings, research laboratories, cultural, civic, educational, and health care facilities; and landscape and interior design.
The firm’s accomplishments have been recognized by numerous awards for design excellence. Mr. Pan was elected a Fellow by the American Institute of Architects in 1994 and named Taiwan’s Outstanding Architect by the Taiwanese government in 1996.

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