第三屆賓大城市中國學社年會 非西方模式:演進中的城鄉中國Non-western Models: Urban and Rural China in Transition



非西方模式:演進中的城鄉中國Non-western Models: Urban and Rural China in Transition

Panel 1: Planning & Design

March 5th, 8:00 pm-10:30 pm 美東時間2021年3月6日,  9:00 am-11:30 am 北京時間

Panel 2: Economy & Governance

March 6th, 8:00 pm-10:30 pm 美東時間2021年3月7日,  9:00 am-11:30 am 北京時間


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在過去的四十年中,中國在向西方廣泛學習的同時,創造了許多獨特的「非西方模式」。2020年的 新冠疫情不僅影響了全球經濟和社會,也衝擊了許多國家的政治體制。中國的部分「非西方模式」在一定程度上限制了病毒的傳播,證明了其在特定社會環境中的有效性。
中國採用了哪些「非西方模式」來推動其城市化進程?它們有何共同點,又有哪些不同?它們如何平衡與適應?展望未來,在邁向新常態的過渡時期,中國的城鄉仍然面臨著許多挑戰,我們需要尋找開創性的解決方法。新常態對中國的城市意味著什麼?我們需要深入研究哪些話題以改善居民的日常生活?規劃, 治理和經濟如何相互補充,共同實現我們的目標?

In the past four decades, China has created many exceptional 「non-western models」 while learning extensively from the west. The COVID-19 pandemic not only impacted the global economy and society but also challenged the political systems in many countries. Some of China’s non-western models undeniably limited the virus’s spread and showed their effectiveness in the Chinese social contexts. 
What non-western models did China invent to develop its urban and rural areas? Where do they intersect and diverge? How do they coexist in balance with adapted ideas? Moving forward, in a transitional era into the New Normal, urban and rural China still face many challenges that call for creative approaches unfound in precedential experiences. What does the New Normal imply for an urban China? What topics need more explorations to improve the daily lives of residents? How can planning, governance, and the economy complement each other towards a common goal?

Panel I規劃與設計Planning & Design

March 5th, 8:00 pm-10:30 pm 美東時間2021年3月6日,  9:00 am-11:30 am 北京時間

主持 | Moderator:林中傑/賓夕法尼亞大學城市與區域規劃學院副教授

林中傑博士是都市主義的學者兼實踐者。他研究和教學的領域包括城市設計,生態都市主義,烏托邦主義以及亞洲建築和都市主義。同時,他還是屢獲殊榮的國際規劃和設計諮詢公司— Futurepolis的聯合創始人。林博士是多本書籍的作者或合著者,其中包括《丹下健三與新陳代謝運動》( 2010 年),《豎向城市主義》( 2018 年),《全球化時代的城市設計》( 2006 年),《新城規劃與實踐》( 2012 年),以及最近發佈的《里約熱內盧:城市擴張與環境》( 2019 年)。他還領導了由Penn Global 贊助的跨學科研究項目「連接中國和西方的空間願景 」。林中傑博士曾獲得多項殊榮,包括2012年Woodrow Wilson學者,2013年古根海姆獎學金和2014年安倍學者獎。他的研究分別在2008,2011和2019年得到Graham 基金會的資助,並於2012年獲得建築研究中心聯盟頒發的新研究員獎。

Dr. Zhongjie Lin is a scholar and practitioner of urbanism. He researches and teaches urban design, ecological urbanism, utopianism, and Asian architecture and urbanism. He is also a founding director of Futurepolis, an awarding-winning international planning and design consultancy. Dr. Lin is author or co-author of several books including Kenzo Tange and the Metabolist Movement (2010), Vertical Urbanism (2018), Urban Design in the Global Perspective (2006), The Making of a Chinese Model New Town (2012), and most recently Rio de Janeiro: Urban Expansion and Environment (2019). He also leads an interdisciplinary research project studying the 「Spatial Visions Connecting China and the West,」 sponsored by Penn Global.

Dr. Lin is recipient of multiple distinguished honors including a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship in 2012, a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2013, and an Abe Fellowship in 2014. His work has also been recognized with three individual grants for publication or research from the Graham Foundation in 2008, 2011, and 2019 respectively, as well as a New Researcher Award by the Architectural Research Centers Consortium in 2012. 

嘉賓 | Speaker:Jonathan Barnett/賓夕法尼亞大學城市與區域規劃系榮譽退休教授

Presentation Title: Urban Design in a Changing Climate

Jonathan Barnett是賓夕法尼亞大學設計學院城市與區域規劃系榮譽退休教授及前城市設計項目主任。他是城市設計顧問、教育家,在城市設計理論與實踐方面著有多部書籍和文章。他曾為多個城市提供指導建議,包括美國的查爾斯頓、克利夫蘭、堪薩斯城、邁阿密、納什維爾、紐約、諾福克、奧馬哈和匹茲堡,以及中國的廈門、天津。他曾是耶魯大學William Henry Bishop客座教授,威斯康星大學Eschweiler教授,馬里蘭大學Kea特別客座教授,以及南佛羅里達大學Sam Gibbon傑出學者。作為城市設計教育的先鋒,他曾獲城市設計與區域規劃Dale傑出獎, 新都市主義協會的雅典娜獎章,宜居社區合作組織的William H. Whyte獎。同時也是美國建築師協會和美國註冊規劃師協會的會員。

Jonathan Barnett is Professor Emeritus of Practice in City and Regional Planning and was formerly also Director of the Urban Design Program in the School of Design. He is an urban design consultant as well as an educator, and is the author of numerous books and articles on the theory and practice of urban design. He has been an advisor to the cities of Charleston, SC, Cleveland, Kansas City, Miami, Nashville, New York City, Norfolk, Omaha, and Pittsburgh in the United States, as well as Xiamen and Tianjin in China. He has been the William Henry Bishop visiting professor at Yale, the Eschweiler Professor at the University of Wisconsin, the Kea Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Maryland, and the Sam Gibbons Eminent Scholar at the University of South Florida. Jonathan Barnett has been awarded the Dale Prize for Excellence in Urban Design and Regional Planning, the Athena Medal from the Congress for the New Urbanism, and the William H. Whyte award from the Partners for Livable Communities as a pioneer of education in urban design. He is a fellow of both the American Institute of Architects and the American Institute of Certified Planners.

嘉賓 | Speaker:Tom LeaderTLS/景觀設計公司創始人、總監

Presentation Title: Land Values

Tom Leader 是位於加利福尼亞州伯克利的TLS景觀設計公司的創始人和負責人。40年來,Tom的實踐紮根於對文化、生態、工藝和設計的真實理解和欣賞。Tom真誠地探索創作過程,並始終站在設計創新的前沿,因此他的作品因卓越而廣受認可。自2001年成立TLS以來,Tom一直致力於通過真實的設計作品和藝術裝置,在諸如阿拉巴馬州伯明翰的Railroad Park和明尼蘇達州明尼阿波利斯的RIVERFIRST等屢獲殊榮的項目中創造「原始的,切實的體驗」。Tom於1983年從哈佛大學設計研究生院獲得了景觀設計學碩士學位。之後他於1998/99年在羅馬美國學院獲得了景觀設計羅馬獎,並於2011年獲得史密森尼國家設計獎的決賽入圍者獎項。TLS的作品曾在紐約現代藝術博物館(MoMA)2007年的「Groundswell」等有關國際景觀設計的博物館展覽中展出。Tom多次參加演講活動,且TLS在美國和中國頻繁發表作品。從2015年開始,TLS在中國迅速發展,並贏得了蘇州獅山公園競賽的冠軍。該公司在上海現擁有15名員工,且在北京深圳設有辦事處。TLS最近的贏得的競賽包括杭鋼遺址公園深圳超級總部中央公園上海主城前灣地區的城市設計,北京的京張鐵路公園和雄安新區。它們都已經處於施工建設階段。

Tom Leader is founder and principal of TLS Landscape Architecture in Berkeley, CA. For 40 years, Tom has grounded his practice in an authentic understanding and appreciation of culture, ecology, craftsmanship and design. Sincere in his exploration of the creative process, Tom has remained on the cutting edge of design innovation, his work widely recognized for excellence. Since founding TLS in 2001, Tom has sought to create 「original, tangible experiences」 of place in such award-winning projects as Railroad Park in Birmingham, Alabama, and RIVERFIRST in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and through his provocative site works and art installations.

Tom received an MLA from Harvard University Graduate School of Design in 1983. He received the Rome Prize in Landscape Architecture at the American Academy in Rome in 1998/99 and was a finalist for the Smithsonian National Design Award in 2011. The work of TLS has been featured in various museum exhibitions including 「Shanghai Carpet」, in MoMA New York’s 2007 「Groundswell」, concerning international landscape design. Tom lectures widely and the work of TLS is published frequently in the US and in China. Beginning in 2015 TLS developed a rapidly growing presence in China, winning the Lion Mountain Park Competition in Suzhou. The firm now has a 15 person office in Shanghai with outposts in Beijing and Shenzhen. Recent competition wins have included Steelworks Park in Hangzhou, Shenzhen Super Headquarters Central Park, Hydro City Urban Design in Hongqiao, JingZhang Rail Park in Beijing, and Xiong-an New Area. All are moving toward construction.

嘉賓 | Speaker:張明/德州大學奧斯汀分校建築學院社區與區域規劃系教授

Presentation Title:Facilitate Smart Planning with Cloud-Computing and Crowdsourcing Technologies for Small City-Town Regions


Dr. Ming Zhang is Professor of Community & Regional Planning at the University of Texas at Austin and Director of the U.S. DOT University Transportation Center of Cooperative Mobility for Competitive Megaregions (CM2). His research and teaching interests include urban and regional planning (transportation), the built environment-travel behavior relationship, and GIS applications. His recent research has focused on megaregion planning, Transit-Oriented Development, and high-speed rail and spatial development. Prior to joining UT Austin, Dr. Zhang held several academic and professional positions, including tenure-track Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University, Research Scientist at the Rockefeller Institute of Government in Albany, New York, and Lecturer and licensed Planner/Architect at the Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan, China. Dr. Zhang received degrees of BArch and MUP from Tsinghua University, Beijing and MS (Transportation) and Ph.D. from MIT.

Panel II經濟與治理Economy & Governance

March 6th, 8:00 pm-10:30 pm 美東時間2021年3月7日,  9:00 am-11:30 am 北京時間

主持 | Moderator:楊國斌/賓夕法尼亞大學Annenberg傳播學院社會學系傳播學和社會學教授

楊國斌是賓夕法尼亞大學Annenberg傳播學院和藝術與科學學院社會學系的傳播與社會學教授,同時擔任 Annenberg學校研究生院副院長,數字文化與社會中心主任以及當代中國研究中心副主任。他是《紅衛兵一代和中國的政治激進主義》( 2016 年)和屢獲殊榮的《中國互聯網的力量:網絡公民激進主義》(2009年)的作者。同時,楊教授也是七本書籍的編輯或合編者,包括Social Media in China: Platforms, Publics, and Production(2021)和《中國互聯網兵家必爭之地》(2015年)。在加入賓大之前,他曾在夏威夷大學Manoa分校擔任社會學助理教授,並在哥倫比亞大學Barnard學院擔任亞洲和中東文化系副教授。

Guobin Yang is the Grace Lee Boggs Professor of Communication and Sociology at the Annenberg School for Communication and Department of Sociology of the School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Pennsylvania. He is the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies at the Annenberg School, Director of the Center on Digital Culture and Society, and Deputy Director of the Center for the Study of Contemporary China. Professor Yang is the author of The Red Guard Generation and Political Activism in China (2016) and the award-winning The Power of the Internet in China: Citizen Activism Online (2009). He is the editor or co-editor of seven books, including Social Media in China: Platforms, Publics, and Production (2021) and China’s Contested Internet (2015). Previously he taught as an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and as a tenured associate professor of Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures at Barnard College of Columbia University. 

嘉賓 | Speaker:陸銘/上海交通大學安泰經濟與管理學院特聘教授

Presentation Title: Scattered Population, Depressed Services


Ming LU is the Distinguished Professor of Economics, Director of Shanghai Institute for National Economy (SHINE), and research fellow of China Institute of Urban Governance at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is also an adjunct professor at Fudan University, Singapore Management University and Dongbei University of Finance and Economics. He worked as a Fulbright Scholar at Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). He has consulted for the World Bank and Asian Development Bank. His research covers labor economics, regional and urban-rural development, and Chinese economy. Recently, his work evaluates the urban and regional development policies, and their effects on resource allocation and economic sustainability.

嘉賓 | Speaker:田莉/清華大學建築學院城市規劃系副系主任

Presentation Title: Mobility restriction and its implications on rental housing market during COVID-19 pandemic in China’s large cities

田莉,清華大學城市規劃系教授,副系主任,土地利用與住房政策研究中心主任。她的研究領域主要集中在城市化,土地利用和住房研究。田教授出版了14本書(包括中英文),並發表了120 多篇中英文期刊論文,包括以第一作者和通訊作者撰寫的26篇SSCI/SCI論文。田教授曾擔任40多個城市規劃研究和設計項目的課題負責人,並獲得了由國家自然科學基金委員會在城市規劃領域頒發的國家傑出青年科學基金」。2018 年,她被評為北京市傑出青年科學家」之一,並獲得了中國住房和城鄉建設部頒發的「華夏建設科技獎一等獎」。201 9年,她的著作Peri-Urban China: Land Use, Growth and Integrated Urban Rural Development被國際城市和區域規劃師協會授予「最佳出版物」和「特別提名」獎。從2014年到2020年,她連續六年被Elsevier評為社會科學領域的「高引用中國學者」。

Li Tian is a full professor and deputy head of Department of Urban Planning, Director of Research Center for Land Use and Housing Policy, Tsinghua University. Her research focuses on urbanization,  land use and housing studies. She published 14 books (including Chinese and English) and more than 120 Chinese and English journal papers, including 26 SSCI/SCI papers as first or corresponding author.
Prof. Tian has been PI for more than 40 urban planning research and design projects, and she is the winner of 「National Excellent Youth Fund」 in urban planning field issued by National Science Foundation of China. In 2018, she was listed as one of 「Beijing Outstanding Young Scientist」. Meanwhile, she was granted the 「First Prize of China Construction Science and Technology Award」 issued by Ministry of Housing, Urban and Rural Development of China in 2018. In 2019, her book 「Peri-Urban China: Land Use, Growth and Integrated Urban Rural Development」was awarded 「Special Mention」 prize of Gerd Albers 「Best publication」 by International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) . From 2014 to 2020, she has been listed by Elsevier 「Most Citied Chinese Scholars」  in social science field for six consecutive years.

嘉賓 | Speaker:Scott Moore/賓夕法尼亞大學全球事務部中國項目主任

Presentation Title: Managing China’s Water: Ambition, Crisis and Adaptation

Scott Moore是一位政治科學家,他的研究領域集中在環境的可持續性、技術和國際關係。他的第一本書 Subnational Hydropolitics: Conflict, Cooperation, and Institution-Building in Shared River Basins (Oxford University Press, 2018) 探討了氣候變化以及其他因素對國 家內部因水資源而發生衝突的可能性。Scott 也是賓大全球事務部中國項目主任。此前,Scott 是世界銀行的一名水資源管理青年專家,也是美國國務院負責中國環境、科學、技術和衛生的政府官員並廣泛參與了《巴黎協定》。在進入公共部門之前,Scott 是哈佛大學Belfer科學與國際事務中心的博士後研究員。Scott 對環境和國際事務的研究和評論發表在一系列領先的學術期刊和媒體中,包括《自然》、《中國季刊》、《外交事務》和《紐約時報》等。Scott 擁有牛津大學博士和碩士學位,普林斯頓大學本科學位,也是Truman, Fulbright和Rhodes學者。

Scott Moore is a political scientist whose interests center on environmental sustainability, technology, and international relations.  His first book, Subnational Hydropolitics: Conflict, Cooperation, and Institution-Building in Shared River Basins (Oxford University Press, 2018), examines how climate change and other pressures affect the likelihood of conflict over water within countries. At Penn, Scott is Director of the Penn Global China Program.  Previously, Scott was a Young Professional and Water Resources Management Specialist at the World Bank Group, and Environment, Science, Technology, and Health Officer for China at the U.S. Department of State, where he worked extensively on the Paris Agreement on climate change. Prior to entering public service, Scott was Giorgio Ruffolo Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University.  Scott’s research and commentary on a wide range of environmental and international affairs issues has appeared in a range of leading scholarly journals and media outlets, including Nature, The China Quarterly, Foreign Affairs, and The New York Times. Scott holds doctoral and master’s degrees from Oxford University and an undergraduate degree from Princeton.  He is a Truman, Fulbright, and Rhodes Scholar. 



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關於 ‧ UCC 賓大城市中國學社 (Urban China Collective)

賓大城市中國學社 (Urban China Collective) 成立於2017年10月,致力於探討中國未來更加有效、包容、可持續的城市治理方向。通過放映系列、圓桌會議和學術會議等形式,賓大城市中國學社希望能夠深入探索中國城鎮化經驗,推動全球背景下中國城市發展問題的討論。更多精彩活動,請關注賓大城市中國學社微信公眾號:UCCpenn 及我們的Facebook主頁@uccpenn。

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